Android Application Installation Guide

First of all, click on the “Download Android” app and install it, if you have problems with the installation, keep reading on:

Android systems that don’t turn on [Allow Installation of Apps from Unknown Sources] will likely report [Problems Parsing Packages] or other similar errors when installing mobile apps. This article will guide you to turn on the [Allow installation of apps from unknown sources] switch.

How to turn off “Allow installation of apps from unknown sources” on Huawei phones

1. Go to “Settings” and click “Security”.

2. Click the “More Security Settings” option.

3. Turn off the “External Sources Application Check ” switch.

How to turn off “Allow installation of apps from unknown sources” on Xiaomi phones

1. On the phone settings page, click “Privacy”.

2. Click “Special Permission Settings”.

3. Click “Install Unknown Application”.

4. After selecting the application, click “Allow applications from this source”.

How to approve “Unknown Sources” on ViVo Phone

1. Click “Settings”.

2. While entering the Settings page, scroll down the page.

3, Slide down the page, find “Security” and click to open it.

4. On the Security page, Click”Unknown Sources”.

5, If the security warning option appears, click “OK”.

6, After that, you can see that the unknown sources have been turned on, so that the phone has been allowed to install applications from unknown sources.

How to approve “Unknown Sources” on OPPO phones.

1. Click “Settings”, find Security and click on it.

2. Click “Install External Sources ” then it works.

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